资源说明:Language INtegrated Query (LINQ) sounds like some kind of formless
question that depends on how someone speaks. Of course, your queries
are integrated with your language! How can you make them otherwise?
LINQ is actually a new feature of .NET Framework that expands your grasp
well beyond things Microsoft. In fact, after playing with LINQ for quite some
time I thought I’d start to run out of new data sources to query, but it hasn’t
happened yet. You can use LINQ to query just about anything (and I only say
“just about” because I’m sure there is something LINQ can’t reach).
The thing that should excite you most about LINQ is that it helps you access
technologies that you couldn’t ordinarily access or couldn’t do so with ease.
For example, you can use LINQ to access MySQL easily, without considering
a workaround. You can also access Resource Description Framework (RDF)
files, something that would be tough without LINQ. You get all of these additional
opportunities to access varied data sources and you’ll write less code,
not more, to do it. LINQ is truly one of the most interesting features that
Microsoft has ever added to .NET Framework, and you’d miss out on a lot if
you didn’t explore the LINQ technology for your own programming needs.
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