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资源说明:在线投票系统 摘要: 如今,越来越多的网站开始重视网页的互动性。而在线投票就是一个非常重要的互动形式。本文以JSP、SQL Server2000为编程工具开发了一种通用网上投票系统,并介绍了系统的调试、运行环境、系统功能、系统设计以及系统实现。 关键词:在线投票;JSP;SQL Server2000 Abstract: Nowadays, more and more sites starting to focus on interactive web pages. The online voting is a very important forms of interaction. In this paper, JSP, SQL Server2000 as program development of a common online voting system, and introduced the system of commissioning, operating environment, system function, system design and implementation. Keywords: online voting; JSP; SQL Server2000