AIX 系统性能分析及调优识别瓶颈
Bound Command Description
CPU bound vmstat when %user + %sys greater than 80%
Disk I/O ... 30% of the I/O (iostat) and paging activity greater than 10 * the number of CPUs (vmstat)
Thrashing vmstat rising page outs, CPU wait and run queue
The MNIST database of handwritten digits, available from this page, has a training set of 60,000 examples, and a test set of 10,000 examples. It is a subset of a larger set available from NIST. The digits ...
全国2003年10月高等教育自学考试数据结构试题.docxPAGE / NUMPAGES 课程代码02331 1.计算机识别存储和加工处理的对象被统称为( b ) A.数据 B.数据元素 C.数据结构 D.数据类型 2.在具有n个结点的有序单链表中插入一个新结点并使链表仍然有序的时间复杂度是( b ) A.O(1) B.O(n) C.O(nlogn) D.O(n2) 3.队和栈的主要区别是( d ) A.逻辑结构不同 B.存储结构不同 C.所包含的运算个