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资源说明:基于DM642开发板的运动图像检测程序 #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "appMain.h" #include "appThreads.h" #include "appBiosObjects.h" extern int intHeap,extHeap; /* perform all initializations */ void main() { // Turn on the cache first CSL_init(); CACHE_clean(CACHE_L2ALL, 0, 0); CACHE_setL2Mode(CACHE_128KCACHE); CACHE_enableCaching(CACHE_EMIFA_CE00); CACHE_enableCaching(CACHE_EMIFA_CE01); DAT_open(DAT_CHAANY, DAT_PRI_LOW, DAT_OPEN_2D); CACHE_setL2Queue(0x3, 0x7); CACHE_setL2Queue(0x1, 0x7); CACHE_setPriL2Req(CACHE_L2PRIHIGH); /* Initialize ACPY, DMAN */ ACPY2_6X1X_init(); DMAN_init(); DMAN_setup(intHeap); /* initialize RF5 modules */ CHAN_init(); ICC_init(); SCOM_init(); /* setup chan module Ratna - Modified */ CHAN_setup( intHeap, extHeap, intHeap, SCRBUCKETS, NULL, NULL); // name LOG objects to be used for error/warning/general/debug messages. UTL_setLogs( &trace, &trace, &trace, &trace ); tskVideoInputInit(); tskVideoOutputInit(); EVMDM642_rset(0x10, 0x20); EVMDM642_rset(0x10, 0x08); while(!(EVMDM642_rget(0x13) & 0x40)); tskVideoInputStart(); tskVideoOutputStart(); UTL_logDebug( "Video I/O started" ); tskProcessInit(); tskProcessStart(); UTL_logDebug( "Process thread started" ); thrControlInit(); thrControlStartup(); UTL_logDebug( "Control thread started" ); /* create all SCOM and message objects */ SCOM_create("INTOPROC", NULL); SCOM_create("PROCTOIN", NULL); SCOM_create("PROCTOOUT", NULL); SCOM_create("OUTTOPROC", NULL); SCOM_create("PROCTONET", NULL); SCOM_create("NETTOPROC", NULL); UTL_logDebug( "Application started" ); // show heap usage, now that all threads are initialized and started UTL_showHeapUsage( intHeap ); UTL_showHeapUsage( extHeap ); }