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资源说明:Helper methods to ease form creation
= ExtendedFormHelper

Helper methods to ease form creation

Note that all e_xxx are just wrapers, so all non mentioned options are send directly to underlying method

All methods work as expected in form_for:
  <% form_for(:page) do |f| %>
    <%= f.e_text_field(:title, :label => true) %>
    <%= f.e_text_area(:text, :label => true, :before => 'description') %>
    <%- f.e_check_box(:agree, :label => true) do |c| -%>
      <%= c %>
      <%= render 'agreement' %>
    <%- end -%>
    <%= f.e_submit %>
  <% end %>

== Examples

=== e_text_field

  <%= f.e_text_field(:title) %>

with hint: <%= f.e_text_field(:title, :hint => 'input some text') %>
with error: <%= f.e_text_field(:title) %>
not good
with errors: <%= f.e_text_field(:title) %>
  • not good
  • not bad
with label: <%= f.e_text_field(:title, :label => 'Input text') %>
with label from I18n (define translation for 'page.title'): <%= f.e_text_field(:title, :label => true) %>
with class: <%= f.e_text_field(:title, :class => 'superField') %>
with content before and after: <%= f.e_text_field(:title, :before => 'before', :after => 'after') %>
before after
in block form: <%- f.e_text_field(:title) do |c| -%> before <%= c %> after <%- end -%>
before after
besides to_str method (called implicitly - concats label, control and errors), there are methods label, control and errors === e_text_area, e_file_field, e_check_box same as e_text_field: <%= f.e_text_area(:title, :label => 'Input text') %> <%= f.e_file_field(:title, :label => 'Input text') %> <%= f.e_check_box(:title, :label => 'Input text') %>
=== e_password_field same as e_text_field, but value is not automatically inserted: <%= f.e_password_field(:title, :label => 'Input text') %>
pass :value => true to insert: <%= f.e_password_field(:title, :value => true) %>
=== e_submit <%= f.e_submit('save') %>
getting values from I18n (define translation for 'page.create' and 'page.save'): <%= f.e_submit %>
=== custom control def trigger(object_name, method, options) '
i am trigger
' end <%= f.e_control(:trigger, :switch_column) %>
i am trigger
as block: def super_trigger(object_name, method, options) '
i am super trigger
' end <%- e_control(:super_trigger, :switch_column) do |c| -%> before <%= c %> after <%- end -%>
i am super trigger
