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资源说明:This jquery plugin offers control over a custom build tab component with inputs validation
     This jquery plugin offers control over a custom build tab component
     The component aims to provide the following features:
     		1. Possibility to move from one tab to another using tab headers 
             click event or navigation buttons
           	2. Possibility to use form submit in the last tab either plain submit
          	or ajax submit without losing focus on the wizardTab component.
          	(validation client side or server should allow posibility of
          	correction in the tabs)
          	3. Possibility to change wizardTab component state from wizard mode
          	to plain mode which means: 
          		- in wizard mode: only navigation buttons will be used
          		- plain tab mode: buttons navigation should be possible as 
          			well as top tab header navigation.
     		4. Possibility to hide/show or enable/disable the invalid buttons. 
     				- invalid buttons are: when in first tab, the previous button is an invalid button
     									   when in last tab the next button is an invalid button
     		5. Possibility to have captions for navigation buttons.
     		6. Possibility to have scroll functionality and hide/disable for each button individually
     This component provide external method(functions) to call internal functionality: 
     		a) onTabChange: set the fn (function name) to be called when the 
     						tab is changed. Offer posibility to control or 
     						extend functionality on a tab change 
     						(eg: validation of previes tab, show some ui element
     							 if the previous tab request this)
           b) onTabFirst:  set the fn to be called if the first tab is the 
           				current tab on the screen (eg. if the first tab is
           				visible do not show the previous button)
           c) onTabLast:	set the fn to be called if the last tab is the
           				current tab on the screen. (eg. if is the last tab
           				do not show the next button, or submit a form if 
           				condition are meet or change the name of the next 
           				button to submit)
           d) IsFirst:    external method to check if the current tab is first
           				-true: the current tab is first one
           				-false: the current tab is not the first one
           e) IsLast:     external method to check if the current tab is last
           				-true: return true if the current tab is last one
           				-false: return false if the current is not last one
           f) IsWizard:    method that set the component as wizard mode or 
           			     plain tab mode. Check above documentation.
           				 -true: it will set the plugin in wizard mode
           				 -false: it will set the plugin in non wizard mode
           				 -called with no params it will return the current
           					status of the plugin:
           						- true: the plugin is in wizard mode
           						- false: the plugin is in non wizard mode	
           g) onFinish:  set the fn to be called if the current tab is the last
           			  tab and we want to call a function when we reach the 
           			  last tab( eg. if previous validation are meet submit 
           			  a form or change the component as plain default mode
           			  if it was in wizard mode.
	 	   h) hideInvalidNextButton: external method/option that 
	 									will hide(true) the next button on last tab
	 									will show(false) the next button on last tab
	 	   i) disableInvalidNextButton: external method/option that will:
	 									disable(true) the next button on the last tab
	 									enable(false) the next button on the last tab
	 	   j) hideInvalidPreviousButton: external method/option that will:
	 									hide(true) the previous button on the first tab
	 									show(false) the previous button on the first tab
	 	   k) disableInvalidPreviousButton: external method/option that will:
	 									disable(true) the previous button on the first tab
	 									enable(false) the previous button on the first tab
	 	   l) hideInvalidFinishButton: external method/option that will:
	 									hide(true) the finish button if current tab is not the last one
	 									show(false) the finish button if the current tab is not the last one
	 	   m) disableInvalidFinishButton: external method/option that will:
	 									disable(true) the finish button in the last tab
	 									enable(false) the finish button in the last tab
	 	   n) hideInvalidLeftScrollButton: external method/option that will:
	 	   							hide(true) it will hide the button on first tab
	 	   							show(false) it will show the button
	 	   o) hideInvalidRightScrollButton: external method that will:
	 	   							hide(true) and show(false) the button in last tab
	 	   p)disableInvalidLeftScrollButton: external method/option that will disable the left scroll button
	 	   q)disableInvalidRightScrollButton: external method/option that will disable/enable the right scroll button
	 	This setup the component you should use:
	 		![must be provided, otherwise component will not function properly]
	 		Number of item requested  in case there are more than 1 WizardTab on the page:
	 		(ids of the buttons must be provided as well as class to work with)
	 		1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 29, 30, 31, 32, 37, 38, 39.
	 		All other items are all optional.
	 		1. isWizard: false/true which indicate that the component should start in: 
	 					 - false plain mode
	 					 - true wizard mode
          	2. showTab:	[1..n] which tab should be shown first, number 
	 							that should start from 1 (the first tab)
          	3. buttonNextId: indicate the id of the next button used for navigation
	 		4. buttonPreviousId: indicate the id of the prev button used for navigation
	 		5. buttonFinishId: inidcate the id of the finish button for 
	 			using in form submit or any other functionality
	 		6. buttonNextCaption: what capition should have the next button
	 		7. buttonPreviousCaption: what capition should have the previous button
	 		8. buttonFinishCaption: what capition should have the finish button
	 		9.  onFinish: 	on event occurs (read above )
	 		10. onTabChange: on event occurs (read above)
	 		11. onTabFirst:  on event occurs (read above)
	 		12. onTabLast:   on event occurs (read above)
     		13. hideInvalidNextButton: true/false is an option to hide or show the 
     							   next button. Read above what invalid buttons are.
     							   Defaults to false if is not provided.
     	    14. disableInvalidNextButton: true/false is an option to disable or enable
     								invalid next button. Read above for invalid buttons.
     							    Defaults to false if is not provided.
     		15. hideInvalidPreviousButton: true/false option to hide/show the previous
     										button. Read above for more info.
     		16. disableInvalidPreviousButton: true/false option to disable or enable
     										the previoust button.
     		17. hideInvalidFinishButton: true/false option to hide/show the finish button.
     		18. disableInvalidFinishButton: true/false option to enable/disable the finish button.
      	19. hideNextButton: method to hide the next button
      	20. showNextButton: method to show the next button.
      	21. hidePreviousButton: method to hide the previous button
      	22. showPreviousButton: method to show the previous button
      	23. hideFinishButton: method to hide the finish button
      	24. showFinishButton: method to show the finish button
        25) hideInvalidLeftScrollButton: external method/option that will:
	 	   							hide(true) it will hide the button on first tab
	 	   							show(false) it will show the button
	 	26) hideInvalidRightScrollButton: external method that will:
	 	   							hide(true) and show(false) the button in last tab
	 	27)disableInvalidLeftScrollButton: external method/option that will disable the left scroll button
	 	28)disableInvalidRightScrollButton: external method/option that will disable/enable the right scroll button
	 	29) classTabHeads: define the class used to style the tab heads. This is the ul container for tab heads.
	 	30) buttonLeftScrollClass : css class "buttonLeftScroll" that apply to button left scroll
		31) buttonRightScrollClass : css class "buttonRightScroll", that apply to button right scoll
		32)	scrollTabsBy:1 - indicate the number of tabs to scroll at once. 
		33)	hideInvalidLeftScrollButton:true, option to hide invalid left scroll button
		34)	disableInvalidLeftScrollButton:false, option to disable invalid left scroll button
        35)	hideInvalidRightScrollButton:true, option to hide invalid right scroll button
		36)	disableInvalidRightScrollButton:false, option to disable invalid right scroll button
        37)	allowPreviousWhenPassed:true, // this will activate the the tabs what were passed by. One can click a previous tab and make modification in it. 
		38)	classRevalidate: "revalidate" this is the class that apply to html elements based on which the wizardTab will revalidate itself. 
							if we are currently in step 4 in a wizard tab and when clicking on tab 1 where we modify something that has class revalidate applyed to it
							it will disable all the tabs after the tab 1 were it will revalidate.   		
        39) tabsVisible number of tabs that will be shown all the time.
       Note: if both of hideInvalidButtons and disableInvalidButtons options 
       		are provided and set to false, the plugin will use the default 
       		mode for invalid buttons ( enable them and make them visible)
     	Typical call of building the component is:
	 			var tabs = $("#tabs").wizardtab({
                    isWizard: true, // set the wizardTab plugin to start in wizard mode. Read above.
                    showTab: 1,     // the
					tabsVisible:7,   // number of tabs that will be visible 
					scrollTabsBy:1,  // number of tabs that will be used to scroll left or right
					disableInvalidNextButton:true, // option to disable/enable the next button
					hideInvalidNextButton:true, // option to hide/show the next button

					disableInvalidPreviousButton:true, // option to disable/enable the previous button
					hideInvalidPreviousButton:true, // option to hide/show the previewos button

					disableInvalidFinishButton:true, // option to disable/enable finish button
					hideInvalidFinishButton:true, // option to hide/show the finnish button

                    onFinish: myFinishFunction, // function to execute when last tab is visible and activated
                    onTabChange: onTabChangeFn, // function to execute when the tabs are changed
                    onTabFirst: onTabFirstFn, // function to execute when the current tab active is first one
                    onTabLast: onTabLastFn,   // function to execute when current tab active is last one
					buttonNextId:"btnWizardTabNext", // the id of the next button
					buttonPreviousId:"btnWizardTabPrevious", // the id of the previous button
					buttonFinishId:"btnWizardTabFinish", // the id of the finish button
					buttonNextCaption:"Next>>", // the caption for the next button
					buttonPreviousCaption:"<>", // the caption for finnish button
					classTabHeads:"tabHeads", // the class for ul container that will hold the tabs head
					buttonLeftScrollClass : "buttonLeftScroll", // the css class for button left scroll
					buttonRightScrollClass : "buttonRightScroll", // the css class for button right scroll
					hideInvalidLeftScrollButton:true, // hide/show the invalid scroll left button
					disableInvalidLeftScrollButton:false, // disable/enable the invalid scroll left button
        			hideInvalidRightScrollButton:true,  // hide/show the invalid scroll right button
					disableInvalidRightScrollButton:false, // disable/enable the invalid scroll right buttonb
        			allowPreviousWhenPassed:true, // this will activate the option to click on a tab that was passed in order to make some change in that tab
					classRevalidate: "revalidate" // this is the class that when applied to an element it will revalidate the wizard tab. Read above for more information 
      Smallest possible plugin initialization is: (with default values in the plugin core):
      var tabs = $("#tabs").wizardtab();
      You will need to wait for the Dom to be ready in order to use the plugin.
      This can be accomplished using jquery call:
      jQuery(document).ready(function(){ }); 
      After the component was initialized, the params tabs can be used to
      control the behavior of the component. The following code will be 
      perfectly valid:
      tabs.IsWizard(false/true); can be access from anywhere. Read above for usage
      tabs.IsFirst(); check to see if the current tab is first one.
      tabs.IsLast();  check to see if the current tab is last one.
<-- end scrolling buttons -->



CSS: The container class for wizardTab plugin must be defined. Here it is used WizardTabs css class. All the CSS style must be under this class in order to apply stylesheet only for WizardTab plugin .WizardTabs { margin:15px 15px; } .WizardTabs .buttonLeftScroll { /* this can be customized */ float:left; height:34px; text-align:center; vertical-align:center; cursor:pointer; } .WizardTabs .buttonRightScroll { /* this can be customized */ float:left; height:34px; text-align:center; vertical-align:center; cursor:pointer; } .WizardTabs .tabHeads{ width:820px; /* this is the width constrain and it can be defined */ height:50px; /* this is the height of the tab headers and can be customized to make the tab head prettier overflow:hidden; /* DO NOT CHANGE */ float:left; /* DO NOT CHANGE */ position:relative;/* DO NOT CHANGE */ } .WizardTabs .disabled { color:gray; /* define the color for disabled elements */ } .WizardTabs>ul.tabHeads { /* DO NOT CHANGE */ margin:0; padding:0; list-style:none; } .WizardTabs>ul.tabHeads>li { float:left; /* DO NOT CHANGE */ font-size:14px; /* change to define the font size */ font-weight:bolder; /* change to define the font weight*/ margin-bottom:2px; /* change to define the bottom margin*/ display:block;/* DO NOT CHANGE */ } .WizardTabs>ul.tabHeads>li>a { display:block; /* DO NOT CHANGE */ height:20px; /* change to fit the height of tabs */ text-decoration:none; /* change to make prettier links */ padding: 5px 5px; /* can be changed */ color:blue; /* can be changed */ cursor:pointer; /* DO NOT CHANGE */ border:1px solid blue; /*can be changed*/ } .WizardTabs>ul.tabHeads>li.disabled>a{ border:1px solid gray; /* can be changed */ cursor:default; /* DO NOT CHANGE */ color:gray; /* define the color for disabled a element */ } .WizardTabs>div { /* this define the appearance of the tab body */ display:block; /* DO NOT CHANGE */ clear:both; /* DO NOT CHANGE */ margin: 10px 10px; /* can be changed to fit the design */ margin-left:0; /* can be changed to fit the design */ border:1px solid #cecece; /* can be changed to fit the design */ display:none; /* can be changed to fit the design */ width:100%; /* DO NOT CHANGE */ }
