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  • Focus-on-3D-Models.zip Focus on 3D Models. C++ programming making models in ms3d and 3ds and obj formats.
  • 3d.rar 一个 3D 的全景漫游程序,它包含了制作 3D 游戏的许多基本技巧,例如:Z 缓冲, 纹理映射, 矩阵, 多角形排序和移动背景。程序中的 3D 世界包括一架飞机和一条小船和一些树,这样您将容易理解代码并自行修改为您需要的。
  • 3D.rar FLASH的左右旋转3D方块效果。。。。。。。。。。。。。
  • OGRE-3D-1.7-Beginners-Guide.rar ogre 3d 1.7 初学者手册,e 文版。 ogre 的新书
  • Mobile-3D-Graphics-SoC.rar Mobile 3D Graphics SoC
  • 3D-Programming-for-Windows.rar 3D Programming for Windows by Charles Petzold. Wonderful book by a wonderful programmer.
  • caomparing-in-3D-physics-engine.rar 分别从功能及其特色等角度分析比较目前主流的3D物理引擎
  • 3D-QUAD.zip 是一款3D的类似五子棋游戏,主要实现了人机博弈的各种算法,并用鬼火引擎(Irrlicht)渲染3D效果,附有详细设计说明书,希望大家互相交流,觉得好就支持一下吧
  • 3D-TV-Using-MPEG-2-and-H.264-View-Coding-and-Auto There is a renewed interest in the 3DTV research primarily due to the advances in low cost 3D display technologies. The two views required for 3DTV can be compressed using standard video compression techniques. MPEG-2 is widely used in digital TV ...
  • 3D-VIDEO-AND-FREE-VIEWPOINT.rar ... , highlighting standards conform realization using MPEG-4. Then the principles of 3D video are introduced providing the user with a 3D depth ... on MPEG-4. Finally multi-view video coding is described as a key component for 3D and free viewpoint video