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  • TheArtOfUnpacking_CHS.zip 脱壳的艺术(the art of unpacking)中文版 本文主要目的是介绍壳常用的反逆向技术,同时也探讨了可以用来躲过或禁用这些保护的技术及公开可用的工具。这些信息将使研究人员特别是恶意代码分析人员在分析加壳的恶意代码时能识别出这些技术,当这些反逆向技术阻碍其成功分析时能决定下一步的动作。第二个目的,这里介绍的信息也会被那些计划在软件中添加一些保护措施用来减缓逆向分析人员分析其受保护代码的速度的研究人员用到。当然没有什么能使一个熟练的、消息灵通的、坚定的逆向分析人员止步的。
  • UltraWideBand.rar Ultra wide nabd very good book for study state of art and fundamental foundations.
  • ReallyUsefulEbooks.rar 黑客之道英文版,原名:Hacking: The Art of Exploitation, 2nd Edition
  • InferNet2.3.rar Infer.NET is a .NET framework for machine learning. It provides state-of-the-art message-passing algorithms and statistical routines for performing Bayesian inference.
  • The_Art_of_Designing_Embedded_Systems_2nd_Ed.zip The Art of Designing Embedded Systems, 2nd Ed
  • art_of_assembly.rar Art of assembly language
  • F77-P1.zip Numerical Recipes in Fortran 77 The Art of Scientific Computing Second Edition Part-1 Numerical Recipes in Fortran 77 The Art of Scientific Computing Second Edition Part-1 Chapter 0 - Chapter 5
  • F77-P2.zip Numerical Recipes in Fortran 77 The Art of Scientific Computing Second Edition Part-2 Chapter 6 - Chapter 11
  • F77-P3.zip Numerical Recipes in Fortran 77 The Art of Scientific Computing Second Edition Part-3 Chapter 12 - Chapter 17
  • F77-P4.zip Numerical Recipes in Fortran 77 The Art of Scientific Computing Second Edition Part-4 Chapter 18 - Chapter 22