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  • Neural-network_Code.rar 各种神经网络算法的matlab实现,包括BP网络,RBF网络,Hopfield网络,BM网络,SOFM网络,ART网络等
  • Neural-Networks01.rar 一份很好的神经网络程序代码,包括bp\som\hopfield\bolziman\ART神经网络的示例代码。是学习神经网络很好的资料,可举一反三、一举多得。
  • Combining-face-detection-and-people-tracking-in-v ... shows similar performance in terms of detection rate as state of the art algorithms. Moreover, unlike state of the art algorithms,our system can be quickly trained before detection is possible. Performance is considerably increased in terms of ...
  • Monocular-Pedestrian-Detection-__-survey-and-expe ... is to provide an overview of the current state of the art from both methodologicaland experimental perspectives. The first part of the ... study. We consider a diverse set of state-of-the-art systems: wavelet-based AdaBoost cascade, HOG/linSVM, NN/LRF, ...
  • text.rar 能读取mit-bih数据库的数据文件(.dat)和注释文件(.art),并且以十六进制输出,经本人亲自调试,绝无错误
  • The-Art-of-Error-Correcting-Coding.rar 一本编码方面的好书,非常实用,数学东西部太多
  • graphics.zip Graphics, in the form of pics,clip art,photographs and line arts are used to provide backgrounds, informational content and navigational controls for multimedia products
  • asminvb.zip ... time critical sections. it has a real wealth of functions, eg rotating and scaling with antialiasing, invertion and grayscaling, art effects like relief and smoothing, colour effects - each colour +/-, brightness ...and many more - plus some really nice ...
  • Techniquedetectinggroupevents.rar 结合直觉模糊贴近度理论,构造了直觉模糊ART神经网络,为群事件检测提供了一条有效途径。
  • artalgoritho.rar 代数重构算法,非常经典,典型的求解不适定问题的方法。。ART Algebraic reconstruction technique (Kaczmarz s method)