The Art Of Assembly Language.rar
The Art of Assembly Language Amazing! You’re actually reading this. That puts you into one of three categories: a student who is
being forced to read this stuff for a class, someone who picked up this book by accident (probably
because you have yet to ...
This text introduces the spirit and theory of hacking as well as the science behind it all it also provides some core techniques and tricks of hacking so you can think like a hacker, write your own hacks or thwart potential system attacks.
译作:《黑客入侵的艺术》, ...
《實戰C++ — 八個別具特色的實作經驗》與目前市面㆖ 眾多C++ 書籍的最大不同,在於
本書既非基礎觀念之教㈻ 書籍,亦非開發工具之使用手冊,而是以「㆒ 章㆒ 專案」的方式,
本書是《The Art of C++》的㆗ 文譯本。原作者Herbert Schildt 是㆒ 位㈻ ㈲ 專精、著作等身的
IT 技術作家,其作品普遍獲得良好評價。