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  • lec26-backtracking.rar 88 page of backtracking pdf in algorithms
  • lec09-10-divide-conquer.rar DIVIDE AND CONQUER SLIDES IN ALGORITHMS
  • gaann06.rar Genetic Algorithms for Engineering Optimization
  • JavaApp-SSA.rar Java Application for testing Encryption/Decryption of several algorithms: Ceaar, Vigenere, a custom make alg (key + permutation of elements)
  • find_subs.f90.rar finding subsets of variables using a variety of different algorithms
  • dijkstra.zip ... Toolbox contains also scripts for defining network structures (random networks, user defined networks) and traffic matrixes. Three graph algorithms for shortest path computation are also in this toolbox (they are used for traffic matrix creation).
  • algo.zip Some thesis studies about wireless sensor network algorithms. Algorithms are considered and some pseudo codes are shown.
  • ls_mmse_updated.rar channel estimation using Ls and MMSE algorithms also calculates the Mean square error and SER
  • cvtool.zip A command line tool that implement multi High Dynamic Range Image Processing Algorithms using OpenGL and Graphics Processing Units (GPU).
  • cvltonemap.zip A GUI for High Dynamic Range Image Processing using OpenGL and GPU. By performing the algorithms on the graphics processing unit (GPU), this program can immediately display the results of the algorithm and parameter changes.