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  • PICRoboconCode.rar C source code for PIC microcontroller to controll input/output of PIC Robocon board. Read IR Sensor LCD control Button DC motor
  • dianziqin.rar ... the number keys 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 flower button, press that issued the corresponding scale. Requirements: (1) layer to 8255 next eight switch K1 ~ K8, so flower keystrokes. (2) 8253 control speakers, struck a different switch, the issue of the appropriate ...
  • lift.rar 电梯控制程序,按钮控制电梯的上下,拨玛开关设置楼层。
  • EARYARM__LPC2103_LED_1_15.rar EARYARM——LPC2103最小系统板按键控制LED显示 2进制1到15,C语言程序
  • example5.rar 按键控制即用8个按键对应8个数字显示,初始值为0。按key1到key8可以显示1到8的数值。
  • SkinDemo.rar 一个简要的皮肤控件,通过钩子来改变button的样式。值得爱好者们学习。
  • fdasjda.rar 按键LED指示,按键控制LED灯指示,用于51单片机的ACM程序
  • 12425.rar 通过按键控制中断,实现LED灯逐个点亮,然后将LED编码的十进制数在数码管上显示。
  • ScreenCapture_Installation_Updated_.zip Everybody knows about the Screen Capture (Prt Scr Button) utility that comes with each and every Microsoft Windows. So what is ... can also capture any window or control by just clicking on it. (You can even capture only the start button or clock on task bar ...
  • CC2430-2.rar CC2430 基础实验二 按键控制开关 1 实验介绍 让用户掌握CC2430 的按键应用这一常用人机交互方法,本次实用两个分别控制两个LED 灯。