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资源说明:A basic synthesiser using a SHAKE for control.
SHAKESynth V1.0
Chris Elsmore

SHAKESynth is a Theremin-like sound generator controlled by the
movement of a SHAKE device. 

It is a program written in the Java-based cross-platform 
language, processing ( which you will 
need to have installed to run the .pde files. You will also need
a SHAKE device to control the generated sound.

The program features 3 selectable sound wave types using the SHAKE
navigation button control on the side. The selected wave is then
control by movement of the SHAKE device - X-axis movement controls
panning, Y-axis control the pitch and Z-axis controls the mute function:
if the SHAKE is placed upside-down, the wave is muted.

V1.0 - Initial version of SHAKEsynth software.
