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资源说明:A simple calculator user interface done in Swing.

A simple calculator user interface done in Swing. 

Short Description
A simple Calculator interface done in Swing - demonstrates the following java concepts: 

* Subclassing Swing components & Overriding the paintComponent() method
* Nested drop-down menu for setting one of four of Swing's built-in look'n'feels. 
* Exception handling
* Inner class action handlers
* Use of Interfaces/Polymorphism
* Use of Layout Managers to make components resizeable
* Anti-aliasing button / control text with dynamically resizable fonts

Build Instructions: 
Compile & Run Calculator.java. 

Known issues: 
* Doesn't actually do any math! 
* Menu text does not resize with the window, just the buttons & text field do. 
* The MAC OS look and feel doesn't load on my machine- I surmise that it's because I'm using the wrong string. 
  The OSX string doesn't appear on the Oracle java web site, but It's still a good demonstration of a JDialog 
  error message, though. 

Developed with Eclipse Indigo Service Release 2, using the Java 7 IDE.
Tested on Windows 7 x64 on a 30" monitor @ 2560x1600 resolution. 
Implemented in two coding sessions over three cups of coffee. ;) 
