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资源说明:Repository of linux voice-control application
Voice-control lets you controlling your computer with help of keyboard shortcuts and terminal command for which you can define voice command. Application will hear only reduced set of words you are using to ensure robustness.

Application is an extension of SPHINXKEYS project (http://code.google.com/p/sphinxkeys/) in order to improve usage and flexibility.


Currently Voice-Control works only on Linux due to it's dependence on xmacro to send keyboard actions, espeak to give audio feedback, notify-show to show notifications. It's is tested on Ubuntu 12.04 but it should work on other distribution if proper libraries are installed. It can work on other OS if exist equivalent of above programs.

This programs only connects few other components:
gstreamer0.10-pocketsphinx: GStreamer plugin for Pocketsphinx 
python-pocketsphinx: Python hooks into Pocketsphinx 
xmacro: Sends keystrokes to your screen
espeak: Audio synthesiser for audio feedback
python-mechanize: Python library for accessing web-pages trough program
notify-send: Program to send notifications
gstreamer0.10-plugins-base: GStreamer plugins for basic sound processing 
gstreamer0.10-alsa: GStreamer plugin for ALSA, which makes your microphone work 

Make sure they are installed before use!!


Test your microphone and make sure it works. The program alsamixer can show you whether the microphone is enabled on your sound card. You can use the simple programs arecord and aplay to do test recordings with your microphone.
Download the files from repository and put them on location where you have writing rights.


For starting application run the voice-control.py program from main directory (e.g. 'voice-control/voice-control.py'). On the first run program will automatically generate default configuration respectively dictionary and model files in .voice-control in your home directory. So please ensure connection to the Internet (needed for generating dictionary and model files) and be patient, application will notify you when it's ready.

Then will open application's GUI, so lets explain it.
Application will open in 'Standard view', there are two views 'Standard' and 'Configuration' available from 'View' menu.

Standard view shows status of application like working mode, what application has heard and few buttons. You will see that application is in 'system' mode, but what does it mean? This all application is based on different modes in which are used different dictionary and language model in order to reduce computer understanding errors. So in every mode is used an reduced set of words (words combination) called sentences (system will generate it automatically, you can see it in .voice-control/sentences/ folder), respectively only words (words combination) that are defined in macro file (see later) for that mode. So modes are here to make communication with computer easier and you can configure it how you wish (see later).

'system' mode is default and basic mode always active when application is started. Also this mode is useful when you are speaking with somebody in the room or on skype because set of commands is very specific and small so it's prevent misunderstanding between you and computer.

Let's just make a short jump to Configuration view before further explanation of functionality.

First of all in configuration view you see, a lot of tabs. Almost every tab defines different mode (shortcuts-set) used mostly in different applications. First opened tab is system tab with system properties and system commands. Let's explain it section by section:

'Properties': system properties
    LANG - language for speak-synthesiser (see 'espeak --voice')
    USER - your user-name
'System commands': commands used for controlling essential application functionality
    - here you can define words for activating specific command
    NAME - name of computer (key-word for computer), used with other system commands.
    START_COMMAND - command to start 'listening' mode. Works only from 'system 'mode. Usage: [NAME] + [START_COMMAND] (default is empty string, so listening mode will be activated only with [NAME])
    STOP_COMMAND - command to stop listening (switch to 'system' mode from any mode). Usage: [NAME] + [STOP_COMMAND] (default: STOP)
    CLOSE_COMMAND - command to close application. Works only in 'system' mode. Usage: [NAME] + [CLOSE_COMMAND] (default: GOODBYE)
    UPDATE_COMMAND - command to update sentences, dictionaries and model files. You should do this after changing or adding macros files (Commands in Configuration View). Works only in 'system' mode. Usage: [NAME] + [UPDATE_COMMAND] (default: UPDATE)

    PASSWORD_COMMAND - command to get a password. Works only in 'listening' mode. Usage [PASSWORD_COMMAND] + [PASSWORD_MACRO] (default: KEY)
    USERNAME_COMMAND - command to get an username. Works only in 'listening' mode. Usage [USERNAME_COMMAND] + [USERNAME_MACRO] (default: USER)
        note: [PASSWORD_MACRO] and [USERNAME_MACRO] are defined in 'passwords' respectively 'usernames' files. For defining passwords read About passwords section!!
    FOCUS - command to focus desktop in combination with desktop name. Works in all modes, but not in 'system' and special_states modes (see under). Usage: [FOCUS] + [DESKTOP_NAME] (default: SHOW)
        note: [DESKTOP_NAME] are defined in 'Window manager desktop names' (see under)
    USE - command to activate shortcut-set. Works in all modes, but not in 'system' and special_states modes (see under). Usage: [USE] + [SHORTCUT-SET] (default: USE)
        note: [SHORTCUT-SET] are defined in 'Shortcut-set' and 'Special states' section (see under)
    START - command to start application. Works in all modes, but not in 'system' and special_states modes (see under). Usage: [START] + [APPLICATION_MACRO] (default: OPEN)
        note: [APPLICATION_MACRO] are defined in 'Applications' section (see under)
    CLOSE - command to close application. Works only in 'system' mode. Usage: [NAME] + [CLOSE] + [APPLICATION_MACRO] (default: CLOSE)
        note: [APPLICATION_MACRO] are defined in 'Applications' section (see under)
        CURRENTLY BROKEN!! - because it's not easy to close application from command line without focusing it.
'Special states': here can be defined special modes
    - usually in all modes will be appended 'system_wide' and most of 'system' shortcuts, but in this special_states modes will not be added. This is useful for example for screen-saver mode, where we want to have only one specific voice-command to wake up computer.
'Shortcut-set': section where are defined shortcuts-sets
    - they are defined as key-value pairs. Keys are [SHORTCUT-SET] for changing shortcuts-set. Shortcuts-set can be changed automatically after executing an action (see by definition of normal voice-commands/actions)
    - For every value there should exist the file with the same name in macros folder. In this file will be defined specific shortcuts for this mode.
    - every shortcut-set will be showed in own tab
    - NOTE: currently it will not be added new tab after adding new shortcut-set, but you have to restart application to show new shortcut-set in own tab!

'Applications': section where are defined applications macros/commands
    - defined as key-value pairs. Keys are [APPLICATION_MACRO] for starting/closing applications.

In next tab are defined already normal voice-commands with actions.
'Window manager desktop names': defined desktop names
    - defined as key-value pairs. Keys are [DESKTOP_NAME] for focusing a different desktops.
    - value is list of actions to switch to desktop and 'Next mode' is mode to switch after executing action. So if we focus text editor is logic to use text editor shortcuts-set.
    - note: for defining actions see ABOUT ACTIONS part

'Window manager shortcut': shortcuts defined on WM level
    - defined as key-value pairs. Keys are voice-command to execute action and switch to next mode is needed.
    - can be USED ONLY in 'system' and 'listening' mode
    - note: for defining actions see ABOUT ACTIONS part
    - NOTE: this pattern is standard for use with all voice-command. So voice-command is always KEY with defined list of actions and next mode.

'system wide': Tab where are defined system-wide shortcuts
    - defined as key-value pairs. Keys are voice-command to execute action and switch to next mode is needed.
    - note: for defining actions see ABOUT ACTIONS part

All this sections until now define voice-commands which you can use in all modes (but not in 'system' of 'special_states' modes, if is not written differently), so it will be added in all sentences, dictionaries and model files.

In following tabs are defined specific shortcuts-sets in the standard pattern. For more explanation read further.

Actions are the main form of giving commands to the computer. If you open 'system wide' or any further tab you can see action definition. Let's explain it closer:

'Command': Voice-command for executing the action
'Action': list of actions to execute
    - there are 4 types of actions:
            'Command': system command to execute
            'HotKey': Keyboard shortcut
            'Mouse': Mouse action (1 is left click, 3 is right)
                    - Note: for Click you should write 1 | 1 (1 before | sign is press left mouse button, and 1 after says release left mouse button, this behaviour can be useful e.g. for selecting the text)
            'String': For writing string in text fields (e.g. web-site addresses, etc...)
'Next mode': [SHORTCUT-SET]-macro key of next mode (if you want to switch mode after executing action, mostly used in 'window manager desktop names')

Of this for things you have to have defined 'Command' and at least one 'Action'

After you understood how to configure/reconfigure application we will explain further usage. So as was told application starts in 'system' mode and in GUI you can see 'Standard' view. Available commands in 'system' mode are:

[NAME] + [START_COMMAND] - switch to listening mode
[NAME] + [UPDATE_COMMAND] - update database
[NAME] + [CLOSE_COMMAND] - close application_name

or you can use appropriate buttons at the bottom of the window.

After starting 'listening' mode you can use all commands defined in macros/system file ('System', 'Window Manager' and 'System-wide' tab). For using commands defined in 'System' tab please read above where are explained all commands.

When you are using specific shortcuts-set you can use also all commands from listening mode (if it's not defined differently, see before), except in 'special_states' modes (see before). If you want to switch back to listening mode use voice-command: [USE] + SYSTEM.


Passwords and usernames macros you can use it only in listening mode.

Usernames are defined in usernames macro file like normal command (VOICE_MACRO=username). Usage: [USERNAME_COMMAND] + [USERNAME_MACRO]

It's very convenient to speak a command to type a password that you use frequently. However, you should not type and save your password in any of the configuration files. Instead, you give your password an alias in 'macros/passwords' file. Then when Voice-control starts up, it will prompt you to enter the password for each alias, and Voice-control will remember the password while it is running, and type it out whenever you speak the alias.

