漂亮的VB按钮控件 jcbuttonOcx
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资源说明:还在为单调的VB默认按钮发愁吗?jcbuttonOcx可以解决你的这个问题了,很漂亮哦!! JCButton Type:- ActiveX Control Version:- 1.14 Author:- Juned Chhipa Release:- 10 January 2009 JCButton is a professional ActriveX Control that is easy to use as a normal command button. Originally, this button was developed to make it easier to create customizable button control which is aware of uncommon/rare button events. Later on, lots of improvements were made as requested/reported by PSC users. Its functionality may also provide a workable shell for developing other custom button controls. Have a look at some of the Features of JCButton.