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资源说明:The windows explorer of Window XP introduced a new nice bar (called "explorer bar" throughout this text), which displays a variable number of collapsible panes. Each pane contains either some informative text or a number of task link controls. The latter ones are used to quickly access an explorer functionality e.g. the creation of a new folder. If the user pushes the search toolbar button, then the explorer bar is automatically converted in a static bar displaying a dialog box pane, which queries the search criteria. The (german) screenshot at the bottom of this page shows the explorer bar on the left side. Because the explorer bar is neither documented nor exported by any Windows API, it has been re-implemented in C as a set of Win32 custom controls. The dynamic link library explorerbar.dll implements: an explorer bar control; a collapsible header control; a tasklink control; an extended version of the static control; an extended version of the button control; and some helper (miscellaneous) functions. Furthermore, explorerbar.dll is fully shellstyle.dll aware (see technical comments) and does not necessarily depend on the UxTheme.dll, which was introduced by Windows XP as part of ComCtl32.dll version 6. Thus, explorerbar.dll is fully functional on Windows 98/Me and Windows 2000/XP, i.e. with disabled or enabled XP visual styles.