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  • kalmanPcamshift.rar 基于视频的跟踪,结合卡尔曼和camshift的目标跟踪。由鼠标选中目标区域(包含了鼠标选中程序),kalman和camshift预测质心,从而达到目标跟踪。
  • Camshift-improvment.zip Camshif单目视频跟踪,采用局部投影方法,减少计算量
  • opencamera.rar 在MFC下使用opencv实现摄像头视频显示,图像采集,以及使用camshift实现物体的追踪。自己参考别人写的,诸多不好之处,敬请谅解
  • particle-filter-visual-tracking.rar 该代码用于实现粒子滤波视觉目标跟踪(PF)、卡尔曼粒子滤波视觉目标跟踪(KPF)、无迹粒子滤波视觉目标跟踪(UPF)。它们是本人这两年来编写的核心代码,用于实现鲁棒的视觉目标跟踪,其鲁棒性远远超越MeanShift(均值转移)和Camshift之类。用于实现视觉目标跟踪的KPF和UPF都是本人花费精力完成,大家在网上是找不到相关代码的。这些代码虽然只做了部分代码优化,但其优化版本已经成功应用于我们研究组研发的主动视觉目标跟踪打击平台中。现在把它们奉献给大家!
  • camshiftdemo.rar The Camshift Algorithm
  • AutoCamShift.rar VC6.0编写,基于Opencv的Camshift跟踪程序,可选出ROI区域,然后对其使用Camshift算法进行跟踪,同时标出跟踪框。
  • CamShiftTracking.rar 应用OpenCV的camshift算法跟踪物体
  • FACE_PROJECT_opencv.zip ... face detection and tracking system i used a adaboost and camshift algorithm with opencv and vc++ The detεction efficiency of ... illumination. We propose a combined method of Adaboost and CAMshift to improve the computing speed with good face detection ...
  • FaceDetect.zip This program is the program which detects the face range by using Adaboost. I used a adaboost and camshift algorithm with opencv and vc++ And the different two algorithms are additionally implemented.
  • speech-segmentation.zip This program is the program implementing the audio Segmentation.I used a adaboost and camshift algorithm with opencv and vc++ It is the program which is suitable for the development environment with the program related to the audio merotomy.