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  • SNMP-MIB-Compiler-0.06.tar.gz SNMP-MIB-Compiler,版本0.06,linux下的MIB库定义文件的编译器,可以替代商业使用的编译器,而且公开源代码
  • Compiler-construction-principles-and-praticepptKen 编译原理与实践 Compiler construction principles and practice ,Kenneth c.louden 的书,一本很好的学习编译原理的书,里面包含的全书所有重点内容的课件,还有tiny compiler的源码
  • Engineering-A-Compiler.rar Engineering a Compiler. A good and famous book written by Keith Cooper for engineers. It includes principle for compiler and more focused on engineering sides.
  • Modern.Compiler.Implementation.in.Java.Second.Edit 《Modern.Compiler.Implementation.in.Java.Second.Edition》现代编译器实现,java版,英文
  • compiler.rar This is the source for a C compiler that generates 386 or m68K code. Code generation is fairly good although ... generated gets messed up. Code generation requires TASM to assemble the compiler output you can use the borland TLINK to produce executables, ...
  • Building-An-Optimizing-Compiler.rar This book is designed to be used for the purpose to describe the structure of an optimizing compiler so that a reader can implement it or a variation (compiler writers always modify a design).
  • Compiler.rar :VSML SimpleMachine Min2B Compiler
  • Compiler.rar 扩充C0文法编译器 1.安装 直接将compiler.exe文件拷贝到指定文件夹即可。 2.编译和运行 采用命令行的方式。运行cmd,进入compiler.exe所在文件夹。 键入:compiler <源程序文件名> 即可执行编译。 (注意:如果源程序和compiler.exe不在同一个文件夹下,必须输入文件完整路径) 如果编译通过,则会显示编译成功并直接 ...
  • Compiler.rar java compiler project to implement LR parsing
  • [C]-Linux-Gnu-C-Compiler-Gcc-Howto.rar [C] Linux Gnu C Compiler Gcc-Howto just try this book you should be satisfied