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  • cluster_tree_vc.rar Cluster tree資料結構建構與搜索程式使用Vc++ CONSOLE介面程式讀入文件(object.txt)建勾並輸出cluster tree(cluster_tree.txt)另外有2搜索功能object search:輸入物件座標搜索值range search:輸入欲搜尋範圍傳回範圍內所有object(object不可謂於線上 即整除4)
  • 计算器C语言版.rar 1.在Microsoft Visual C++环境中创建一个新的工程文件。工程文件的类型选Win32 Console Application。
  • Solution1.rar 用vb.net做的大富翁,a Console Application that models the game of Monopoly.Houses • Hotels • Rolling doubles • Players will not be allowed to sell properties once purchased. • Players may mortgage a property but it will remain mortgaged for ...
  • TerminateProcess.rar program TerminateProcess {$APPTYPE CONSOLE} uses SysUtils, Windows var ProcessHwnd, WindowHwnd: THandle ProcessID: DWORD begin //得到记事本的 ...
  • VirtualMemory.rar program VirtualMemory {$APPTYPE CONSOLE} uses SysUtils, Windows const PageSize = 4096 //定义页面大小 var VmAddress, CommitAddress: Pointer //存放 ...
  • Primer_Number.rar 以VC的Console模式,實作尋找Primer Number的方法.
  • yszs.rar 编程步骤: 1, 创建新工程(Win32 Console Application)。 2, 添加如下源文件: List.cpp ?链表类的实现 Operater.cpp ?操作类的实现 Main.cpp ?程序入口 添加如下头文件: List.h ?链表类的头文件 Operater.h ?操作类的头文件 3, 添加代码......... 4, 编译,调试,除错,完成.
  • A Simple socket example.rar It is a socket server. It accepts a connection from client and prints on the console a message that client writes
  • MFCConsole_demo.zip How to send debugging output to a console in a MFC application
  • struts-console(配置文件制作)-4.8.zip 一个专门为struts开发的可视化xml配置文件的生成工具,可以方便生成struts的配置文件!使用很方便!