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  • SparkSoft.Expression.Parser.v3.4.Delphi.BCB.zip EXPRESSION PARSE是一个组件的图书馆, 通过它可以检测PASCAL语言类的SCRIPT. 它不仅 仅是一个调试器, 而且还是一个准编译器, 因此更有效率. 该软件使用方便且兼具DELPHI VCL的强大功能,你即可以检测一个简单的表达式或一大堆复杂的语法, 而不需要使用者具有很高深的编程能力或从编写一整个的应用程序的SCRIPTS或者注意其他的使用规则等, 你所需要的只是进行简单的内嵌表达式操作而已.
  • Delphi-VCL-Demo.rar Demonstrate how to use some VCL components, from the Standard palette.
  • IP.Works.V8.Delphi.Edition.zip IP Works Version 8 Delphi VCL Edition. A robust framework of enterprise-class controls, enabling rapid integration of any major Internet protocol or technology including: FTP, HTTP, SMTP, POP, IMAP, SNMP, LDAP, DNS, RSS, SMPP(SMS ...
  • Delphi-VCL-Accuracer.Component.Pack.zip Accuracer Flatfile Database Management System 4.8.1 for Delphi VCL - FullSource
  • Delphi-VCL-BlueToothFramework.zip DeepBlue Bluetooth Framework 5.2.2 for Delphi - FullSource
  • Delphi-VCL-IBDAC.ZIP Interbase Data Access Component for Delphi - FullSource
  • Delphi-VCL-MagicCDDVDBurner.zip Magic CD/DVD Burner Components for Delphi - FullSource
  • Delphi-VCL-TMSSecuritySystem.zip TMS Security System 2.4 for Delphi - FullSource
  • Delphi-VCL-BlueToothFramework.zip DeepBlue Bluetooth Framework for Delphi 5.2.2 Bluetooth® Framework VCL™ is a VCL components set which ... support into your applications. By using Bluetooth® Framework VCL™ , your applications can work with interfaces such as ...
  • Delphi.VCL.objects.change.dynamic.code.rar Delphi编程动态改变VCL对象经典代码Delphi VCL objects to change the classic dynamic programming code