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  • src.tar.gz Configurable two-level catch. First level - RAM, second level - hard disk.
  • GHOST8.0-bakeup-disk.rar 为了减少电脑硬盘损坏或其他故障导致的文件丢失对大家造成的损失,现实行定期备份大家的硬盘资料的工作。以下是使用 ghost8.0 实现远程备份硬盘分区的操作。
  • Two.rar disk find color get color find color
  • segyoutput.zip Writes seismic data from Matlab workspace to a segy format file on disk.
  • ... processes are properly scheduled, power reduction can be achieved without degrading performance. We implemented a prototype on Linux to control two devices experimental results showed nearly 70 power saving on a network card and a hard disk drive
  • write-binary-data.rar write a binary data to the disk
  • sdcard_mass_storage_controller.tar.gz ... to SD/SDHC cards. One of the main goal with this project is that the controller should be usable as a system disk contain a file system. Therefore the core has been developed with features a system with operative system will benefit from. The design also ...
  • MiPrimerJuego_2.zip Mario made in java. Pasted carpet "juego_2" in disk C:\\
  • JuegoConDisparos.zip Mario whit dispparos. pasted juego in disk C:
  • SolucionT1.zip Examen medio ciclo desarrollo d videojuegos. Final level one of mario and cupa. pasted "MedioCiclo" in the disk C:\\