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  • DiskMon.rar DiskMon运行在NT4上才加载驱动,在W2k以上平台其使用kernel event tracing实现磁盘活动的监视, 但其驱动可以跑在W2k/XP/2K3/Vista上 该驱动Hook了disk的driver dispatch例程,不仅可以监视磁盘活动,稍微改下还能拦截、修改上层对磁盘的读写, 很容易就可以搞个什么 基于Disk的 xxx
  • DiskView_src.rar MFC Code to access the hard disk
  • fat32format.zip Format your hard disk with fat32 partition
  • boot98se.rar MS-DOS BOOT DISK CREATOR
  • imdisk_source.zip ... Virtual Disk Driver for Windows NT/2000/XP. This driver emulates harddisk partitions, floppy drives and CD/DVD-ROM drives from disk image files, in virtual memory or by redirecting I/O requests somewhere else, possibly to another machine, through a co ...
  • msg00419.zip Vb6 and USB Flash disk
  • PartitionMagic.rar to partision the disk after installation of os and applications
  • 6416_dsk_quickstartguide.rar ... PrepMessage=DemoShield is preparing to launch the DemoShield Demo WaitMessage=Please wait one moment... Scanning=Scanning: Copying=Copying To=to Cancel=Cancel LocalLaunch=Run Locally NoSpace=Disk space is low. Do you want to run the demo locally?
  • Gstar-toolsII.rar MTK BIN files ResCompiler( LP,FONTS,touch_pad editor) & Flasher & Debuger & Disk File recover all in 1
  • DeviceIoControl.rar 可以实现对CDROM,disk的各种操作,讲述DeviceIoControl函数的各种用法,creatfile,closehandle,getdisk,IOCTL