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  • bleachbit-0.8.2.tar.gz BleachBit cleans files to free disk space and to maintain privacy.
  • vb.module.system.programming.harddisk.scan.rar vb系统编程硬盘扫描模块设计源码vb module design system programming source hard disk scan
  • While_Loop__TextFile_Read.rar Console application written in Delphi. Read text file from disk and display in console window (while loop example).
  • src_vd.zip How to develop a virtual disk for Windows.
  • Algebraiccodesfordatatransmission.zip ... , error-control codes have become commonplace in communications and storage equipment. Many such communication and storage devices, including the compact disk, that are nowin general use could not exist, or would be much more primitive, if it were not ...
  • Getframestested.rar Matlab source code to get the frames from a movie file and store individual images in hard disk folder. Program has been tested.
  • Disk.zip This fortran source code finds the scattering of a plane wave by conductor disks
  • Disk.zip This fortran source codes find the scattering and RCS of a plane wave by conductor disks
  • PlatformBuilder.rar ... exception!!!”(数据中止异常) 4、Could not find file E:\WINCE500\PBWorkspaces\study_catalog\RelDirsmdk2440_ARMV4I_Release\GPIO.dll on disk 5、beep.def : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol BEP_Close 6、 VirtualCopy : identifier not found, even with ...
  • W95SPS.zip (IDG - ebook) - Windows 95 System Programming Secrets - Matt Pietrek Disk