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  • SmtpMail-Csharp(document).rar 在实现公司的oa系统时,嵌入在服务器网页中邮件服务代码,可供新手学习。
  • ISO+IEC+14496-5+Amd6+Cor1-2006.zip iso mpeg aumendment document
  • 00rt1.rar 利用的是Microsoft Office Document Imaging组件的ocr功能。 同理,只要你能把你所需要的任何文档利用Microsoft Office Document Image Writer转换为mdi文件,你就能把它转换为word文档。
  • Flash_Lite_Visual_Example_v1_0_en.zip ... for devices with the resolution 170 x 208 pixels used in portrait mode. This example application is closely related to the document Flash Lite: Visual Guide, and it is highly recommended to read the document before going through this example.
  • IterateDocs.rar The sample demonstrate how to shift active document quickly , The demo is from <<MFC anwser book>>
  • MRULength.rar The sample demonstrate how to set document list length , The demo is from <<MFC anwser book>>
  • NoStartDoc.rar The sample demonstrate how to open different document alternatively , The demo is from <<MFC anwser book>>
  • OpenMRUDoc.rar The sample demonstrate how to get length of active document , The demo is from <<MFC anwser book>>
  • LG-CTG_BFin_BootloaderDesign0.0g.rar ... for ADSP-BF533 based EZ-Kit Lite Board and STAMP Board. This document is meant to be the one of the inputs for the System Test Plan and the overall implementation of the same. This document also details the approach and assumptions made for the design
  • SCOMPOSTUS-11-AE2406.rar SUNNYBEAM Document SUNNYBEAM Document SUNNYBEAM Document