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  • uCOS-II2.52.zip uCOS2.52 source code and document
  • pdfdocscout_vc.zip How to create PDF document file from Visual C++ using PDFDoc Scout library: "Hello, World!" example
  • phyCORE_PXA270_AK_DK_V112-CE-60-Technical-Design.r Adeneo Windows CE 6.0 port on Phytec PhyCORE Acceleration Kit Technical Design Document
  • PPP-HOWTO.rar Linux PPP HOWTO 文档 Corwin Light− Williams Joshua Drake Copyright © 2000 by Commandprompt, Inc Copyright © 1997 by Robert Hart This is a LinuxPorts.Com Document for the Linux Documentation Project.
  • Avi.zip ... retrieval of a sequence from an existing avi file, the user has to open an avi file, and retrieve it. The document holds an EC24Image to get the images before the building or after the retrieval, and an EImageSequence. Therefore, other compressed ...
  • ImgProjection.zip This sample program loads an image and plots the graph of its horizontal or vertical projection The Document contains an image and a projection vector. When the Open command is sued, the image is loaded from a file. Then, a projection along a row or a ...
  • s2B.rar This document describes the system of "love Pet Clinic," the business needs and the needs of the document. The software can be used with the guidance system design and testing phase of its work.
  • nms_linux_driver_intro.rar The document about how to write driver in linux. This document demonstrate how to write mouse device driver.
  • c_win32_serial_communication.rar This document teach how to write program to communicate via serial (RS-232) using Win32.