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  • Terascan_Manual_Contents.zip This document is a manual of terascan about MODIS software
  • Terascan_MODIS_processing_Manual_20090108.zip This document is a tutorial about terascan.
  • web.xml.rar ... XML头开始。这个头声明可 以使用的XML版本并给出文件的字符编码。 DOCYTPE声明必须立即出现在此头之后。这个声明告诉服务器适用的servlet规范的版本 (如2.2或2.3)并指定管理此文件其余部分内容的语法的DTD(Document Type Definition, 文档类型定义)。 所有部署描述符文件的顶层(根)元素为web-app。请注意,XML元素不像HTML,他们是 大小写敏感的。因此,web-App和WEB-APP都是不合法的,web-app必须用小写。 2 部署描述符 ...
  • Baseball_Playfield_Segmentation_Using_Adaptive_Ga a document about "Baseball Playfield Segmentation Using Adaptive Gaussian Mixture Models"
  • GUI_buil.rar GUI building document
  • speech_recog.rar Speech recognition document with C++ codes...
  • 802.11a.rar in this document basic frame details and data rate specification about 802.11a is given.ofdm based wireless lan system uses this.
  • MatlabNotes.rar this tuturial is a basic of Matlab.This document is a guide for Matlab begginers and for people who want to be an experts,too.
  • hw3.rar reference document for finite element reduced basis
  • Matlab7-Programming.rar this document analyze programing techniques for matlab 7.x .