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  • bok_737.rar This is a java document file.. download this and enjoy. this is very essential..
  • Galaxium-0.1.112-Source.zip xmpp cleint, sip client document
  • ucMultiIfacesSupport(3).pdf.tar.gz Multi interface implementation document for NS-2 for ad hoc network
  • mg4j-2.1.2.zip MG4J (Managing Gigabytes for Java) is a free full-text search engine for large document collections written in Java.
  • Linux.rar Debugging Linux Applications, good document to debug Linux System
  • aspiinstrSC.rar the document is about how to install aspi
  • CANOPEN91.zip Document CANopen - CiA The CANopen specifications cover of the aplication layer and communication profile
  • API.rar Document about design API
  • picture.rar ASP二进制流方法隐藏图片文件真实地址ASP binary stream picture Ways to hide the true address of a document
  • Aquila.rar Aquila document project