资源说明:secure access-controlled downloads using nginx
# Downloads This is a simple and fairly thin extension that makes it easy to protect file downloads using nginx's internal redirects. It works something like this: * You upload a file using the admin interface and grant access to a couple of reader groups. The file is stored outside the /public folder and can't be reached with a web browser * A thin public-facing controller takes download requests and checks them against group membership * If you're not allowed, it redirects you to reader login or just tells you off * If you are allowed, it returns an attachment-download response pointing to a fictional address in /secure_download but with the `X-Accel-Redirect` header set to the real address of your file * Your nginx configuration intercepts the `X-Accel-Redirect` header, ignores the request address and returns the file * Your web browser reads the request address and gets the right file name * Your nginx configuration also makes sure that typing in the /secure_download address doesn't give file access In other words, there is no way to get at the uploaded file without going through the authenticating controller. The original inspiration is [in Alexei Kovyrin's blog](http://blog.kovyrin.net/2006/11/01/nginx-x-accel-redirect-php-rails/). It ought to be an easy matter to make this work with Apache and sendfile, but I haven't needed to. As with other group-access-control, a download with no groups attached is considered available, but here we are more restrictive and only make it available to logged in readers. If you want to publish a document for the public, you'd be better advised to upload it as a paperclipped asset. ## Status Should be reliable. It's quite well-established code. The original version used file_column so I've spent some time bringing it across to paperclip and writing proper tests. ## Requirements This uses spanner's [reader](https://github.com/spanner/radiant-reader-extension) and [reader_group](https://github.com/spanner/radiant-reader_group-extension) extensions for access control. If you would like to change the basis for allowing downloads, the easiest thing is probably to override or chain `Download#available_to?`. But do tell us what you're trying to do. We like to be useful. Also requires [paperclip](http://www.thoughtbot.com/projects/paperclip) gem, or the paperclipped extension (which currently vendors paperclip). (We thought about just applying access control to paperclipped assets but the machinery there is too specialised for images: most of what goes in here will be pdfs and office documents. The separate store is tricky too.) ## Configuration ### In nginx This is what I use: location /secure_downloads/ { internal; root /your/site/directory/current/secure_downloads; default_type application/pdf; expires 1h; add_header Cache-Control private; break; } but I'm no nginx rypy. Suggestions would be very welcome. (And naturally a security-minded person would only put this in the SSL-enabled version of the site, with the appropriate measures to direct people there). ### In capistrano Ideally we will be storing downloads in the shared directory rather than in /current, so that they persist through deployments. I can't see a good way to get at that directory without making unhelpful assumptions in the model, so instead I will assume that if you use capistrano, you're doing the right thing with symlinks on deployment: after "deploy:setup" do sudo "mkdir -p #{shared_path}/secure_downloads" sudo "chown -R #{user}:#{group} #{shared_path}/secure_downloads" end after "deploy:update" do run "ln -s #{shared_path}/secure_downloads #{current_release}/secure_downloads" end Note that secure_downloads is not inside the public site. ## Usage You'll see a 'downloads' tab in admin. Add files to the list there and you can link to them like this: ## Bugs and comments In [lighthouse](http://spanner.lighthouseapp.com/projects/26912-radiant-extensions), please, or for little things an email or github message is fine. ## Author and copyright * Copyright spanner ltd 2007-9. * Released under the same terms as Rails and/or Radiant. * Contact will at spanner.org