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  • NAND_FLASH_FACTORY_PROGRAM.rar ... (Six BBM Factory Programming Elements) 1) 坏块的替换策略(Bad Block Replacement Strategy,BBR) 2) 分区(Partitioning) 3) 纠错码(Error Correction Codes ,ECC ) 4) 备用区的使用(Spare Area Placement,SAP) 5) 未用好块的格式(Free Good Block Formatting) 6) 动态元数据(Dynamic Metadata) 4 ...
  • ECC.zip Hardware Implementation for Tripling Oriented EC
  • Point_Add_4.0.vhd.zip Point addition for ECC
  • Point_Doubling_4.0.vhd.zip point doubling for ECC tripling oriented curve
  • Ecc.rar Implementation of an Elliptic Curve over a Finite Field
  • ecc.zip For implementing the Hamming coding in verilog or VHDL
  • TM-2006-026-fra.zip Use of reed-solomn error correction codes (ecc) within WiMAX (802.16) examined.
  • upload.rar my thesis on comparing rsa variants and ecc on mobile devices source code but without ecc code
  • RSA.rar ... rsa and rprime rsa. U should give the no. of bits to be 1024 and check it on netbeans 6.5 or later.Register me I want the ecc code now for by M.Sc Computer Science thesis at TU, Kathmandu, Nepal. Just a look at the code not the code itself will be used by ...
  • ECC_4_29.rar 优化的163位ECC 公钥生产(点乘)模块,40us