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资源说明:ECDSA signing lib in Scala
### Elliptic Curve Cryptography in Scala

This is a library for ECDSA signing, written completely in Scala.

Tested to be compatible with Stanford Javascript Crypto Library.

Does NOT use native encryption Java interface, which are forbidden in some place (like Google App).

As far as I know, does not use any algorithm that is currently restricted by patents. May differ from country to country, though.

I'm not a specialist in cryptography (or Scala), so probably I messed in some places. But testing so far showed it works as it should.

Feedback and forks are welcome.

import ecc._
import scala.util.Random

object TestEcc {

  def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
    val text = "This text will be signed with secret, using UTF-8 encoding, SHA-256 hash and NIST p192 curve, and then verified"
    println("Private key (randomly generated):")
    val secret = BigInt(192, new Random)
    val key = Key.sec(secret, ECDSA.p192)
    println("\nsignature (is in BigInt form. Use Base64 or any other option to convert it to string, if you want):")
    val sig = ECDSA.sign(key, text, "SHA-256")    
    println("\npublic key in compresed form:")
    val pub =
    println("\nuncompressed public key")
    val uncompressedKey =, ECDSA.p192)
    println("\nverification with uncompressed key (should be true):")
    val verify = ECDSA.verify(sig, uncompressedKey, text)


### License


### Thanks
Thanks to [marklister] for contribution.
