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资源说明:Elliptic Curve Cryptography is an exciting and promising method of encrypting data which achieves the same, or better, strength with far smaller key lengths than traditional encryption methods such as RSA. Elliptic Curves are themselves not rocket science, but the plethora of articles and mathematical background out there do leave it somewhat as "a non-trivial exercise to the causal reader" to actually see how the scheme can be implemented and used. Alas, I for one do not code for a living anymore and hence I always look for compact, to the point, implementations showing with code exactly how something works. I hope that the source files you download with this article will provide one such source of compact, easy to understand, material to demystify and indeed realize how Elliptic Curves (notice the capitalization here...) can be coded in C++ and used to encrypt and decrypt messages between the ever present Alice and Bob...