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  • apo202src.rar Freeware fractal flame editor for Windows.
  • editor.rar 实现输入文字的各种特效功能,例如对文字加粗,改变字体
  • VIMeditor.rar 怎麼使用vim editor 可以參考一下吧 怎麼使用vim editor 可以參考一下吧
  • CSharpEditor.zip 一份H.Prasad写的Editor的C#代码,skm发现了四、五个BUG,做了一 些修改与笔记(见代码中注释),希望大家来一起把这个简单的文本编辑器做得更好。
  • PropertyEditor.rar Java编写的属性编辑器,主要为了说明swing中editor和renderer的使用方法
  • DHtmlEditorVisualStudio.zip When you add the class CHtmlEditor to your project, the users of your software will be able to enter HTML content into an HTML Editor GUI control. Using this class, you get several weeks of coding and testing for free!
  • china-mobile-language-editor.rar 另一个mtk 改语言的免费软件,能够随意更改语言种类,和字库,直接读取bin files
  • BezierEditor-1.00.tar.gz BezierEditor is a Bezier Curve Editor with follow functions :<br> -add/remove curves and points<br> -move points and curves<br> -zoom in/out/box<br> -load and save in a text file<br> -multiple selection<br>
  • 10.zip Making use of .NET design capabilities by implementing filename type editor
  • UltraID3LibTestHarness_2006-06-03.zip UltraID3Lib MP3 ID3 Tag Editor and MPEG Info Reader Library