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  • mpegedit_v2.2.tar.gz MPEG-1 video stream editor for Unix systems running X windows. Cut, paste, insert, import and export frames as bitmap files, insert other MPEG-1 video files, apply complex effects such as fades, wipes, and cross fades
  • 场景反走样效果.rar 场景反走样效果
  • CustomCaptions_demo.zip ... for any windows you choose. I also provide an example class that allows a bitmap to be used as the caption background, e.g. for logos, or wood or stone effects. Framework for Creating Custom Window Captions 创建自定义窗体标题的框架 这篇文章说明了可快速简单的创建自定义窗口标题的框架的一些 ...
  • special-effects-button.rar VC6下特殊效果按钮效果演示程序,异形,图片。
  • Csharp-shutters-effects.rar C-sharp百叶窗特效的源码例子,代码比较简单但是很实用
  • User-interface-effects.rar 用C++实现用户界面由小逐渐变大实现特效,
  • Image-effects.zip 单文档程序只,图像做特效处理,如浮雕去色
  • Js-effects-on-the-left-.zip Js特效左边显示大图,右边带有缩略图,可自定义图片
  • light-water-flowing-water-effects.zip 用C语言程序,结合PWM波占空比实现流水灯的流水效果,还有渐亮渐暗过程