This is a project for evaluation of the performance of a wireless systems with fading effects
The mfile investigates the effects of high power amplifier on the ofdam signals. The effects on spectrum ang Modulation Error Rate (MER) is of more concern.
This book is focused in DirectDraw, Direct3D and Directshow (with Visual C++). With this book you get everything you need to add sound, music, video cut-scenes, and other special effects to digital games—including reusable code.
This book explains the key elements of Direct3D programming and shows you how to create some more advanced effects
based on shader programming with the new shader programming languages, such
as Microsoft’s High-Level Shader Language (HLSL). Additionally ...
Graphic effects in Visual basic.
... applications.
However, in some graphics and chart applications, you may need the custom color maps to achieve specific visual effects. These color maps are simply tables or lists of colors that are organized in some desired fashion. The surface, patch ...
Digital Communication project, QPSK over AWGN and Rayliegh Multipath Effects.
The Graphics Dojo is a place where we show off advanced and fancy graphics effects related to Qt and graphics.
The source code for all the examples can be checked out with subversion: svn checkout svn://labs.trolltech.com/svn/graphics/dojo