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  • LISTHDR.rar ... MFC classes: CListCtrl and CHeaderCtrl. It shows how the controls are created and how to change the controls using many different available styles. The LISTHDR sample has been updated to take advantage of several features implemented in Internet Explorer.
  • Pickard - color selector _src.zip Hot features: Spectrum color picker, Screen magnifier, Eyedropper, Multple color spaces support (RGB, HSL, CMY, YUV), Multiple color string support (HTML, C++, Delphi, VisualBasic).
  • ScriptApp- ... , register based virtual machine (VM) that supports object-oriented features, reference counting (auto destruction of data as soon as ... in C/C++ or virtual machine code) and other debugging features. Objects and functions can be written in virtual machine ...
  • Datastead.TVideoGrabber.v7.2.4n 视频采集.zip TVideoGrabber is a video capture component that lets you implement video features in your project. Major features include motion detection, network live streaming, graphics overlay, video player, DV time stamps, and much more
  • FlexCompress.Delphi.7.v2.59.rar ... library developed to provide archive functionality for your applications. This solution provides flexible compression and strong encryption algorithms that allows you to integrate archiving or backup features into your programs in a fast and easy way.
  • ToyBoxFDTDbezhig.rar ... down a parallel-plate guide makes a handy test code for initial experiments with boundary conditions. ToyFDTD3 adds some simple features to ToyFDTD1: A PMC boundary condition, a sinusoidal pulse source, and output tracking a single point in the mesh. ...
  • wincap源码.zip ... in Windows environments: it allows applications to capture and transmit network packets bypassing the protocol stack, and has additional useful features, including kernel-level packet filtering, a network statistics engine and support for remote capture.
  • invcpp5.rar ... Visual C++ 6.0 also adds an amazing number of productivity-boosting features such as Edit And Continue, IntelliSense, AutoComplete, and code tips. These features take Visual C++ to a new level. We have tried to make sure that this book ...
  • C++性能分析.rar Technical report on c++ performance.contents:1.introduction 2.language features 3.creating efficient librarites 4. using c++ in embedded systems 5.hardware addressing interface
  • 71477226AVLTree_demo.zip helps you manage your telephone numbers most efficiently. many other features are also supported