Matlab Routine pack to handle conversions. Features Bin2Int conversion and Int2Bin. Includes a routine to generate strings based on the system time.
Qt [3] is a cross-platform application framework that features several char-
acteristics including: comprehensiveness, portability, ease-of-use, and open-
source availability. Qt/X11 [4] is the Qt edition for Unix and Linux operat-
ing systems, and it ...
... Of course, it covers the basics: what SOAP is, why it s soared to
a spot on the Buzzwords Top Ten list, and what its features and capabilities are. And it shows
you how to work with some of the more common Java APIs in the SOAP world: Apache
SOAP and ...
Programming Windows with MFC isn t a book about C++ rather, it s a book about writing 32-bit Windows applications in C++ using MFC rather than the Windows API as the chief means of accessing the operating system s essential features and services
While this edition reects an extensive general revision of the Second Edition, most sig-
ni_cant is the new information to help one begin to use the major new features of version
4.0/4.1, the sparse matrix and enhanced graphics capabilities.
The IT Career Builder s Toolkit features market-focused skills and proven methods you can use to jump-start and advance your career.
Freebase gunz hack. Features: god mode, lawnmover, flipmover, ninja jump, name esp, medicine spawn etc...
Firebird is a relational database offering many ANSI SQL-92 features that runs on Linux, Windows, and a variety of Unix platforms.
Building UDF Libraries for FirebirdSQL from Delphi.
Firebird is a relational database offering many ANSI SQL-92 features that runs on Linux, Windows, and a variety of Unix platforms.