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NAME specifies the name of the button object as a property of the enclosing form object and can be accessed using the name property. VALUE specifies the label to display on the button face and can be ...
做一个简易的“+ - x /”计算器:在Applet中加入2个提示标签,1个显示结果的标签,两个输入文本域,四个单选按钮(标题分别为+-×/),1个“计算”按钮,分别输入2整数后,选择相应运算符,点击“计算”按钮后显示结果。两个form窗口的链接
LiScNLS is a Matlab application for the numerical study of some nonlinear
differential equations of the form Lu=Nu, using the Lyapunov-Schmidt method.
Downloading the LiScNLS package creates a new LiScNLS folder on the computer.
... applications for custom tasks. COM add-ins are typically used to automate Excel in response to a click of a CommandBar button, a form or dialog box, or some other event specific to Excel such as opening or closing workbooks or entering data on worksheets.
the code of the book come form the book of marlix laboratory with the book of singal