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  • ann5.rar Self-organizing feature map neural network classification of the ASTER data based on wavelet fusion
  • xlptanh.rar ... , the images can be combined, or fused , in a way that improves information extraction. Examples of fusion include extraction of DEMs from stereo image pairs and compositing of images with different spatial and spectral resolutions ...
  • imagefusion.rar 这是关于image fusion的几篇论文,挺具参考性
  • ACTEL_CORTEXM1_SD_CARD_TEST.rar 10.05.2010 Basic SD card SPI initialization and write/read test using Cortex-M1 and Actel Fusion.
  • IFTb.rar Image Fusion Toolbox 图像融合工具箱,实现两个图像的融合功能!
  • IFTk.rar Image Fusion Toolkit 实现图像融合功能!
  • breakdown.rar Matlab program for a breakdown voltage model of an optical coupler switch fusion.
  • imagefusion.rar Image Fusion: it is a process of combining 2 or more image to a single image which has more info then other two..
  • eyefinder.rar ... cross-platform libraries for real-time perception primitives, including face detection, eye detection, blink detection, color tracking. Soon it will also include expression recognition, predictive color tracking, and tracking based on multisensor fusion
  • The_Communication_Protocol_for_WSN_about_LEACH_20 ... of these networks. LEACH uses localized coordination to enable scalability and obustness for dynamic networks, and incorporate data fusion into the routing protocol to reduce the amount of information that must be transmitted to the base station. ...