... of proper printing).
- ADD Added the TBrushProp.InitBitmap method that creates bitmap for textural fill (for the purposes of the following ... - the horizontal and vertical clearance (in pixels) between the page抯 edge and the scrollbar.
- ADD Added class ...
... main window pages sections.
v1.0.3.9 Fixed bug in view pan/zoom when page after domain selected.
Fixed renaming of ... . Scapel rt drag = pan.
Deferred message of GDI memory error until try to use bitmap resource.
Fixed scene problems after Export ...
... .Build(object source, object dest, ResizeSettings settings)
Bitmap b = ImageResizer.ImageBuilder.Current.Build(object source, ResizeSettings ... from a web app, you can access the page as a string via `ImageResizer.Configuration.Config.Current. ...
... .GIF support, animated and otherwise. No frame selection or TIFF page selection either.
2. 8-bit PNG support
3. Cropping, ... Margins, padding, and border support.
9. Safe Template paths (i.e., `~/images/.`)
10. Direct Bitmap/Image access
11. ...