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  • game-engine.rar 不可多得的专注于讲解游戏引擎的电子文档,有志于开发游戏的同事们一定要看的。 简单地说,游戏引擎就是“用于控制所有游戏功能的主程序,从计算碰撞、物理系统和物体的相对位置,到接受玩家的输入,以及按照正确的音量输出声音等等。
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  • Course.PTR.3D.Game.Engine.Programming.eBook-LinG.r 3D游戏引擎编程(英文原版)不错的游戏引擎设计和编程书籍,包含比较丰富的内容
  • 3D.Game.Engine.Programming.rar 此书是经典的游戏引擎设计书,这个版本的比较小
  • Sams-Teach-Yourself-Game-Programming-in-24-Hours.r ... to construct games for the Windows platform and discusses game theory, including double-buffered graphics, sprite animation, and digitized sound effects and music. A fully functional game engine provides readers with the ability to create their ...
  • PHPWEB-game-engine-source-code-program.rar PHPWEB网页游戏引擎源码程序.可供PHP开发者作为网页制作的参考。
  • game-engine-guide.zip 关于游戏2d/3d/2.5d引擎概念的教程,据说是泄露版
  • Teach.Yourself.Game.Programmin.g.in.24.Hours.rar ... API to construct games for the Windows platform and discusses game theory, including double-buffered graphics, sprite animation, and digitized sound effects and music. A fully functional game engine provides readers with the ability to create their ...
  • GFX-AI.Game.Engine.Programming.rar AI game programming ebook.
  • Game-Engine-Architecture.rar 游戏引擎结构 完整的书籍 影印版 详细的游戏引擎结构