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  • MD5.rar md5 encryption example in the game engine game maker md5 gamemaker used to encrypt the password and check the input string can be password no reverse md5 string out the original password
  • HGEDebugDraw.zip HGE game toolkit is written in c-c + + can only be used on windows with tools like vsc + +, tuboc c_free or codeblock is a 2d game engine
  • SFML1.6.zip game engine 2d sfml 1.6 with opengl
  • csharp_game_engine.rar 3D game engine design
  • PRJ_List.rar Use Unreal Game Engine / Unreal Development Kit For Make A Game
  • 3D-Game-Design.rar 网络游戏,目前已经是最大众化的娱乐之一,而其中的 3D 网络游戏也是技 术含金量非常高的软件项目之一。游戏开发在技术层面上已经逐步有了一套相对 比较成熟的方法:从底层核心的3D 引擎到中间环节和具体游戏逻辑相关的程序 框架再到最高层的游戏逻辑脚本驱动,这标志着3D 游戏开发已经开始进入了标 准流程化的开发阶段。3D 游戏产品已是工业化的软件开发产品。
  • 3Dgame-engine-design.rar 3D游戏引擎设计的架构,用DirectX编程方法,也参考OpenGL方法.
  • Lecture04_irrLichtGameEngine01.rar Lecture of irrlicht 3D game engine
  • DeadManVB.zip Visual Basic 6 OpenGL game engine test
  • PACREngine.zip Test game engine on C++, font and OpenGL render