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  • Ergo-Engine A small component based 2D game engine in the works, built on top of LibGDX. The Ergo Engine ... project. Instead of using the traditional deep inheritance hierarchies found in most game engines, I decided to use a composite approach where almost any object ...
  • html5-isometric-game-tile-engine A html5/javascript isometric game engine The index example needs a working http-server. To see the isogameengine in action you could start the node server: 1. surf to project folder with your console 2. type 'node ...
  • Space-Engine This project is a game engine under construction. This project is a game engine under construction. It intended to improve me and to help others.
  • IsoHill-Game-Engine ... top of the open 2D framework Starling. Features: Plugins - engine-wide modifications, Includes a TMX [CVS export] parser, ... tiles, deterministic framework, Mipmapping, and under BSD license IsoHill engine, http://www.isohill.com Copyright (c) 2011, Jonathan ...
  • untitled-game-engine made with SDL Graphics engine
  • Quasi-Engine ... that intends to be a complete toolset to ease 2d game development, providing ready-to-use QML elements representing basic game ... needed by most of games. A simple Qt-based 2D game engine. ======== 1. Build ======== 1.1) Dependencies * Qt5 Qt5 source ...
  • TBFE-Engine A 3D game engine with python integration Tbfe Engine =========== A 3D game engine with Python embedded in it. Created while I was in high school, terrible code. Dependencies ------------ These Libraries are necessary to ...
  • cocos2d-game ... cocos2d-game cocos2d-x multiplatform ================== [cocos2d-x][1] is a multi-platform 2D game engine in C++, based on [cocos2d-iphone][2] and licensed under MIT. Now this engine has been ported to WOPhone, iOS 4.1, Android 2.1 ...
  • Vortex.Engine XNA 2D game engine Jack Spektor Vortex.Engine v0.1, 2011 This branch contains core engine functonality for Cycloid game. Cycloid game sources are not in this branch.
  • Ronin-Engine Sample game engine