文件大小: unknow
源码售价: 5 个金币 积分规则     积分充值
资源说明:Game of Honor Project - a strategy game
Game of Honor Project

Initial Directory Layout
   \repository				Maven Repository containing code not bundled in the central ibilio maven repository
Sources								All sub folders follow the maven directory structure (src/main/java..)
   	\client-java       						Java Client root directory
   		\adapter										Adapter to backend services, ..
   		\client-java-application 		Project containing main application code and config to package application
   		\client-shared							Shared code utils of the client
   		\dialogs										TBD
   		\game-logic									TBD

   	\server            						Server root directory (also Java based)
   			\persistence							Hibernate
   		\server-application					Main Server Web Application and config to build and package
   			\gameengine								Game engine simulation the game world
   				\gameengine-api					Interface spec of game engine
   				\gameengine-impl				Implementation of the game engine
   			\battleengine							Processing the battles
   				\battleengine-api				Interface spec of battle engine
   				\battleengine-impl			Implementation of battle engine
   		\server-framework					  Shared stuff by all server components (e.g. base exceptions..)									
   	\shared            						Shared stuff e.g. slice interface spec and generated sources
   	  \bom												Business object model common types
   	  \gameengine-api						  Slice Defintion of game engine interface
   	  \battleengine-api           Slice Definition of battle engine interface
