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资源说明:This book will guide you through the basic game development process, covering game development topics including graphics, sound, artificial intelligence, animation, game engines, Web-based games, etc. Three real games are created (2D and 3D) as you work through the text, and significant parts of a game engine are built and made available for download. The companion disc contains example code, games, and color figures. [Companion disc files available with Amazon order number and by writing to the publisher at]. Processing is a free, graphics-oriented language that provides the basic functionality needed for building games and it runs on all major platforms. Moreover, it allows games to be built for desktop computers, HTML 5, and Android. Features Teaches basic game development concepts including graphics, sound, artificial intelligence, animation, game engines, collision detection, Web-based games, and more Includes a companion disc with example code, actual games, and color figures[Companion disc files available with Amazon order number and by writing to the publisher at] Create three complete computer games developed throughout the book: Hockey Pong, a 2D arcade-style game; SMV Rainbow, a 3D submarine game, and a puzzle game for Android Uses Processing, a free, downloadable platform with a frame by frame display scheme that is perfect for computer games Includes a review of game-related mathematics and an introduction to Processing Table of Contents Chapter 1 Introduction to How Games Work Chapter 2 Graphics and Images in Processing Chapter 3 Sound Chapter 4 Hockey Pong: A 2D Game Chapter 5 Graphics in Three Dimensions Chapter 6 Game AI: Collisions Chapter 7 Navigation and Control Chapter 8 A 3D Game Example Chapter 9 The Web and HTML5 Games Chapter 10 Animation Chapter 11 Android Handheld Devices