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资源说明:Master game development with the Android SDK to develop highly interactive and amazing games About This Book Develop complex Android games from scratch Learn the internals of a game engine by building one A succinct, hands-on guide to enhance your game development skills with Android SDK Who This Book Is For If you are an intermediate-level Android developer who wants to create highly interactive and amazing games with the Android SDK, then this book is for you. In Detail Gaming has historically been a strong driver of technology, whether we're talking about hardware or software performance, the variety of input methods, or graphics support, and the Android game platform is no different. Android is a mature, yet still growing, platform that many game developers have embraced as it provides tools, APIs, and services to help bootstrap Android projects and ensure their success, many of which are specially designed to help game developers. This book is a progressive, hands-on guide to developing highly interactive and complex Android games from scratch. You will learn all the aspects of developing a game using a space shooter game as the example that will evolve with you through the chapters. You will learn all about frame-by-frame animations and resource animations. You will also create beautiful and responsive menus and dialogs and explore the different options for playing sound effects and music in Android. You will then learn the basics of creating a particle system and how to use the Leonids library. Finally, we will configure and use Google Play Services on the developer console and port our game to the big screen. Table of Contents Chapter 1. Setting Up The Project Chapter 2. Managing User Input Chapter 3. Into The Draw Thread Chapter 4. Collision Detection Chapter 5. Particle Systems Chapter 6. Sound Fx And Music Chapter 7. Menus And Dialogs Chapter 8. The Animation Framework Chapter 9. Integrating Google Play Services Chapter 10. To The Big Screen