Mobile Game Development with Unity
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资源说明:Welcome to Mobile Game Development with Unity! In this book, we’ll take you from nothing all the way up to building two complete games, and teach you both beginning and advanced Unity concepts and techniques along the way. The book is split into four parts. Part I introduces the Unity game engine, and explores the basics, including how to structure games, graphics, scripting, sounds, phys‐ ics, and particle systems. Part II then takes you through the con‐ struction of a full 2D game with Unity, involving a gnome on a rope trying to get treasure. Part III explores the construction of a full 3D game with Unity, including spaceships, asteroids, and more. Part IV explores some of the more advanced features of Unity, including lighting, the GUI system, extending the Unity editor itself, the Unity asset store, deploying games, and platform-specific features.