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  • 32947.zip A Tic Tac Toe program written in C using graphics as well as text mode giving brief idea of developing games in C
  • FocusOn2DinDirect3D.rar ... Focus on 2D in Direct3D? teaches you all of the tools and tips you ll need to dive right in and begin creating your own games. If you have some knowledge of C or C++ and have been searching for a guide that will take your 2D programming into the third ...
  • _MINIMAX.rar Tree-Structured Programs:Look-Ahead in Games----The MiniMax Method
  • J2MEmoblie-games-devleping.rar 学习J2ME的极品好书,不得不看,易于理解。
  • GuessedGames.rar Guessed a few games to judge a person reaction speed
  • CoreUPDA.rar 3D游戏引擎 Programming Role-Playing Games with DirectX, 2nd Edition by Jim Adams
  • stendhal-FULL-0.59.zip Arianne is a multiplayer online engine to develop turn based and real time games providing a simple way of creating the game server rules and clients like Stendhal. Marauroa, our server, uses Java and MySQL for hosting hundreds of players on a solo host. ...
  • SnemV0.02s.ZIP SNES模拟器 This is a newer SNES emulator and is in active progress. It is open source and runs more games now in the WIP and the graphics engine is better. One to watch for progress. The WIP version includes the source code
  • Windows-games.rar windows游戏编程大师技巧2,很不错的一本书,不过感觉还是买书好
  • games.rar 本人在网上搜集的C语言编写的经典小游戏的源码集合,有志于C游戏编程学习的朋友可以选用参考。