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  • Programing_linux_games.zip Programming Linux games
  • BREW-GAMES.rar 该光盘是书中的全部源代码,按照章节的顺序编排。所有的程序可以在Windows操作系统中的Visual C++ 6.0下编译通过,并可以运行。
  • xinsrc_0921103150819850226712.rar I want some road code of 3d games
  • yaroze.zip A tool for make playstation 1 games.
  • ezoray.zip A tool for hack&develop PlayStation 1 games.
  • TetrisGameEngine.zip ... to anyone wanting to make a tetris game. It’s probably also useful to anyone learning Actionscript 3, particularly if they want to make games. The source code is on my free code repository. It’s in two parts - an engine, which does the game part, and a ...
  • Book.Flash_ActionScript(Rus).rar Action script for creation of games
  • game.tar.gz Game developed in C to Linux Operational System... This game is very interesting to learn how we can develop our own games using C language.
  • Spacemouse_Driver_WINDOWS_Office.rar This is a Driver for the Spacemouse, its for the new model if you want to use it for office or games or others
  • C++ProgrammingfortheAbsoluteBeginner.rar teach you C++ through game programming because initially many people experience computers through playing computer games.