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  • C-games.rar 各种小游戏源代码,可编译通过运行,用于学习~~~~
  • games.rar 在iphone_sdk上开发的经典游戏---俄罗斯方块,该源码有利于object-c的学习者分析
  • b1.rar Good book for developing java me games
  • Android_Create_and_port_cool_games_using_Android. A step by step description of how to create games like Space Blaster, classic Asteroids™ , Doom and Wolfenstein™ 3D using Android. Enjoy!
  • Games.rar 用于初学J2MEs的人进一步了解J2ME的内部结构,希望对学习J2ME的同僚有所帮助
  • Checkers.rar Checkers is one of the most commonly played games in the world, each culture has its own version of it and feels as if it originated from it, though its original implementation was Chinese. This project is interesting for several reasons including the ...
  • gpwplar.zip ... Programming with Python, Lua, and Ruby" offers an in-depth look at these three flexible languages as they relate to creating games. No matter what your skill level as a programmer, this book provides the guidance you need. Each language is covered in its ...
  • quick_launch.zip ... 举例: 1、要通过按键alt+1打开d:\games目录命令为:explorer d: 2、要通过 ...
  • Snake.rar 小游戏: 贪吃蛇 Games 文件夹:贪吃蛇游戏 Source 文件夹:源程序 源程序可以在 Borland C++ 5.0 和 6.0 版本下编译通过 游戏操作: 按上下左右移动光标键, 每吃一个“豆”加一分,并且蛇的长度加一。 吃到红色的“豆”等级加1, 蛇的长度减小为1重新增长。 撞到边缘、墙壁、和蛇本身,游戏结束。
  • Guide3100-24apr08.rar windows ce 4.2 or 5.0 , apps. , utills. , games , utilitare pentru wince platforma 4.2 si 5.0 ... un pic neevaluate.. ssucces